Fausto Bellino Tasca
Pasadena, California
Saint Andrew Church Fausto Tasca worked with friend and professional colleague, Carlo Wostry, at Saint Andrew Church in Pasadena, California. According to Fausto’s son, who also worked as an apprentice on this commission, Wostry realized that the Saint Andrew commission was too complex for him to complete within the timeline allowed by the project, so with a gentleman’s handshake, he hired Fausto to undertake specific sections of the church interior.

Altar Screen, gold-leaf work by apprentice, Angelo Tasca, 1927
Photograph Sandra Tasca, 1970
Archive of the Tasca Estate
Tasca also designed and executed the foyer decoration, painting it from floor to ceiling. In this installation, Fausto painted directly on the walls instead of on canvas, as he had done at Our Lady of the Rosary.

Narthex interior, 1927
Photograph Sandra Tasca, 1970
Archive of the Tasca Estate
The lower portion of each wall was painted with trompe d’oeil bronze shields against a vermillion ground, the upper portion of the walls was carefully painted to resemble marble. The complex shape of the foyer ceiling was beautifully painted with flower garlands and angels, on a gold-leaf background.

Narthex ceiling, 1927
Photograph Sandra Tasca, 1970
Archive of the Tasca Estate

Narthex, 1927
Photograph Sandra Tasca, 1970
Archive of the Tasca Estate
Unfortunately, the walls of the foyer were badly damaged in the late 1970s when they were covered with wallpaper. The administration of the church at the time believed the walls were “too dirty” and did not think they could be properly cleaned. Although the walls have been “restored,” the marbled appearance of the painting was lost.
Today, the beauty and historical importance of St. Andrew Church has finally been recognized. The parish now includes a “restoration committee” to maintain this important landmark.

Nave Ceiling
Photograph Sandra Tasca, 1970
Archive of the Tasca Estate

Nave Ceiling Detail
Photograph Sandra Tasca, 1970
Archive of the Tasca Estate
Recently, a lovely book titles Tower of Pasadena, The Art & Architecture of St. Andrew Church presents fascinating insights into the artwork of St. Andrew Church. The author, Tri Fritz, examines the history of the building, and the photographer David Crane documents the stunning interior of the church in beautiful detail.
An excerpt from the book's description:
Photographer David Crane showcases the building's design and the church's art collection with an eye for color, light and detail, not to mention the ability to photograph artworks located in the most inaccessible of locations.
Click on the image below to be directed to the book on Amazon. “Proceeds from the sale of this book will go towards the on-going renovation of St. Andrew Church.”